Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK

About 320 million years ago, half of Yorkshire was the delta of a huge river that flowed south from Norway
and Scotland. The water deposited layers of granite sand which went on to form a hard sandstone, Millstone Grit. Erosion, mostly during the last stone cold Ice age between 80-10,000 years ago, has worn away the softer rock, leaving harder rock exposed, sometimes in improbable positions and other-worldly formations.

Outsiders Store UK
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Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
Outsiders Store UK
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Outsiders Store UK
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Outsiders Store UK


Outsiders Store™

Models: Aiku Kurotaki, Tiz Smith

Photographs: Mister Shrimp

Production: Outsiders™