Packing Cube Small - Waterfront Blue
Osprey have redefined their best-in-class technical pack, designed for the toughest conditions where reliability is paramount, there are other technical packs and then there's the Talon Pro. Designed for alpine pursuits, climbing or everyones favourite new endeavour, bikepacking formerly known as cycle touring. The all new Talon Pro 40 has been made faster, stronger and lighter than it's predecessor. A new torso adjustment and premium injection-moulded proprietary frame sheet allow for an enhanced fit across a variety of torso ranges. The NanoFly™ fabric delivers outstanding strength and resilience in keeping with Osprey's Pro labelling.
Packing Cube Small - Waterfront Blue
Packing Cube Small - Black
Packing Cube Medium - Waterfront Blue
Packing Cube Medium - Black
Packing Cube Large - Waterfront Blue
Packing Cube Large - Black
Ultralight Padded Organizer - Black
UL Starter Set - Black
Daylite - Black
Talon Pro 40 - Silver Lining
Talon Pro 30 - Silver Lining
Ultralight Stuff Tote - Black
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Osprey have redefined their best-in-class technical pack, designed for the toughest conditions where reliability is paramount, there are other technical packs and then there's the Talon Pro. Designed for alpine pursuits, climbing or everyones favourite new endeavour, bikepacking formerly known as cycle touring. The all new Talon Pro 40 has been made faster, stronger and lighter than it's predecessor. A new torso adjustment and premium injection-moulded proprietary frame sheet allow for an enhanced fit across a variety of torso ranges. The NanoFly™ fabric delivers outstanding strength and resilience in keeping with Osprey's Pro labelling.
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