Weird Walk
Zine Issue 1
You may have noticed there is something stirring out there in the hedgerows, a whisper in the copse, a ripple on the pond. A diverse breed of musical innovators are drawing on the past, on folklore, history and myth, to weave new patterns on their sonic looms...
Some operate within the rich worlds of folk music and dance; others draw threads from electronica, metal and the avant-garde. And although distinct in their sounds and methods, there is also a markedly inclusive spirit.
Weird Walk
Zine Issue 1
Weird Walk
Zine Issue 2
Weird Walk
Zine Issue 3
Weird Walk
Zine Issue 4
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You may have noticed there is something stirring out there in the hedgerows, a whisper in the copse, a ripple on the pond. A diverse breed of musical innovators are drawing on the past, on folklore, history and myth, to weave new patterns on their sonic looms...
Some operate within the rich worlds of folk music and dance; others draw threads from electronica, metal and the avant-garde. And although distinct in their sounds and methods, there is also a markedly inclusive spirit.
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